Therapy Services

Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai massage is deeply therapeutic in that it contacts deep layers of fascia tissue. Clients are fully clothed on a floor mat while the practitioner uses ropes to stretch, compress and walk on the body.

Free Evaluation

Please come 15 minutes early for your first appointment to evaluate your needs;


Japanese for “Foot Pressure”, Ashiatsu is a barefoot massage modality utilizing western massage techniques to improve the client’s postural alignment, range of motion, muscle responsiveness and overall health and well-being. Parallel bars are used above the massage table for balance, support and client safety.

Megun Table

Acupressure, chiropractic, massage and far infrared therapy are all utilized to provide you with a deep, warm, relaxing massage, giving your spine a soothing stretch and stimulating the key acupressure points, blood vessels, and muscles to accelerate and improve blood circulation. The MIGUN Thermal Massage System uses jade massage heads to conduct infrared heat and create therapeutic pressure from the head to the feet.

Advance Myofascial Therapy (CAMT– Certified Advanced Myofascial Technique)

  • Specific techniques for commonly encountered complaints
  • Relieving pain, restoring lost function, and getting lasting results
  • Utilizing both active and passive movement to enhance effectiveness
  • Precision in working with specific tissue types and body layers
  • Combining indirect or subtle work with deep or direct work
  • Ways to work sensitively, safely, and comfortably at all levels of depth.
What Our Customers Say

…The Golden Bodyworker is An Incredible Find…

— anya